The Profile (.PRO) format is designed to describe the simulated characteristics of each transcript from the reference annotation, one per line. After each step of a simulation run, tab-separated are added to the file.
Column Nr | Name | Value | Description |
1 | Locus | chrom:start-end[W|C] | identifier of the transcriptional locus, given by the chromosome (chrom), start respectively end position, and the strand (Watson or Crick). |
2 | Transcript_ID | String | transcript identifier from the reference annotation. |
3 | Coding | [CDS|NC] | specifies whether the transcript has an annotated coding sequence (CDS) or not (NC) |
4 | Length | Integer | the mature length of the transcript after splicing out introns, disregarding the poly-A tail, as annotated in the reference annotation |
5 | Expressed Fraction | Float | fraction of RNA molecules that represent transcripts that are qualitatively equal to this RNA form |
6 | Expressed Number | Integer | absolute number of expressed RNA molecules |
7 | Library Fraction | Float | fraction of cDNA molecules in the final library that have been produced from this transcript |
Library Number | Integer | absolute number of cDNA fragments generated from this transcript | |
9 | Sequenced Fraction | Float | fraction of total reads that have been sequenced from this transcript |
10 | Sequenced Number | Integer | absolute number of reads sequenced from this transcript |
11 | Covered Fraction | Float | fraction of the transcript that is covered by reads |
12 | Chi Square | Integer | chi-square goodness of fit measurement of coverage uniformity |
13 | Coefficient of Variation | Float | coefficient of variation for transcript coverage |