The PAR format in the Flux Simulator is used to administrate all parameters of a run. It is a simple format containing key value pairs (one per line) with the following parameter names (i.e., keys):

File Locations

KeyTypeDefault ValueDescription

Path to the GTF reference annotation, either absolute or relative to the location of the parameter file


Path to the profile of the run, either absolute or relative to the location of the parameter file; the default profile uses the name of the parameter file with the extension .pro.


Path to the library file of the run, either absolute or relative to the location of the parameter file; the default profile uses the name of the parameter file with the extension .lib.


Path to the sequencing file of the run, either absolute or relative to the location of the parameter file; the default profile uses the name of the parameter file with the extension .bed.


Path to the directory with the genomic sequences, i.e., one fasta file per chromosome/scaffold/contig with a file name corresponding to the identifiers of the first column in the GTF annotation.

TMP_DIRString$TMP_DIRTemporary directory, can also be specified by the environment variable $TMP_DIR.


KeyTypeDefault ValueDescription
LOAD_CODINGBooleanYESCoding messengers, i.e., transcripts that have an annotated CDS, are extracted from the cell.
LOAD_NONCODINGBooleanYESNon-coding RNAs, i.e., transcripts without an annotated ORF are extracted from the cell.
NB_MOLECULESLong5,000,000Number of RNA molecules initially in the experiment.
EXPRESSION_KDouble(-0.6)Exponent of power-law underlying the expression profile [-1;0]
EXPRESSION_X0Double9,500Linear parameter of the exponential decay.
EXPRESSION_X1Double90,250,000Quadratic parameter of the exponential decay.

Transcript Modifications

KeyTypeDefault ValueDescription
Double25rate of the exponential for deviation of simulated transcription starts from annotated transcription start point, set to NaN (i.e., "not a number") to deactivate simulated transcription start variability
Double300scale parameter of the Weibull distribution describing poly-A tail lengths, set to NaN (i.e., "not a number") to deactivate simulated poly-A tails
Double2shape paramter of the Weibull distribution describing poly-A tail lengths, set to NaN (i.e., "not a number") to deactivate simulated poly-A tails

Library prepeparation


KeyTypeDefault ValueDescription
FRAGMENTATIONBooleanYESTurn fragmentation on/off.


*DNA in Simulator

v1.2 and earlier

Substrate of fragmentation, determines the order of fragmentation and reverse transcription (RT):

     for substrate DNA, fragmentation is carried out after RT,

     substrate RNA triggers fragmentation before RT.


Fragmentation method employed:

     * [EZ] Fragmentation by enzymatic digestion

     * [NB] Fragmentation by nebulization

     * [UR] Uniformal random fragmentation

Enzymatic Digestion


Sequence motif caused by selective restriction with an enzyme, choose pre-defined NlaIII, DpnII, or a file with a custom position weight matrix.

FRAG_NB_LAMBDADouble900.0Threshold on molecule length that cannot be broken by the shearfield of nebulization.

Threshold on the fraction of the molecule population; if less molecules break per time unit, convergence to steady state is assumed.

FRAG_NB_MDouble1.0Strength of the nebulization shearfield (i.e., rotor speed).
Uniformal Random (UR) Fragmentation

Average expected framgent size after fragmentations, i.e., number of breaks per unit length (exhautiveness of fragmentation);

NaN optimizes the fragmentation process w.r.t. the size filtering


Geometry of molecules in the UR process:

     * NaN= depends logarithmically on molecule length,

     * 1= always linear,

     * 2= always surface-diameter,

     * 3= volume-diameter, ...

FRAG_UR_D0Double1.0Minimum length of fragments produced by UR fragmentation.

Reverse Transcription (RT)

KeyTypeDefault ValueDescription
RTRANSCRIPTIONBooleanYESSwitch on/off Reverse Transcription.

Primers used for first strand synthesis:

     * [RH] for random hexamers or

     * [PDT] for poly-dT primers


Minimum fragment length observed after reverse transcription of full-length transcripts.


Maximum fragment length observed after reverse transcription of full-length transcripts.


KeyTypeDefault ValueDescription
FILTERINGBooleanNOSwitches size selection on/off.

Size distribution of fragments after filtering, either specified by the fully qualified path of a file with an empirical distribution where each line represents the length of a read (no ordering required), or attributes of a gaussian distribution (mean and standard deviation) in the form , for example . If no size distribution is provided, an empirical Illumina fragment size distribution is employed.


KeyTypeDefault ValueDescription

PCR distribution file, 'default' to use a distribution with 15 rounds and 20 bins, 'none' to disable amplification.

PCR_PROBABILITYFloat0.1PCR duplication probability when GC filtering is disabled by setting GC_MEAN to NaN.

Mean value of a gaussian distribution that reflects GC bias amplification probability, set this to 'NaN' to disable GC biases.


Standard deviation of a gaussian distribution that reflects GC bias amplification probability, inactive if GC_MEAN is set to NaN.


KeyTypeDefault ValueDescription
READ_NUMBERInteger5,000,000Number of reads.
READ_LENGTHInteger36Length of the reads.
PAIRED_ENDBooleanNOSwitch on/off paired-end reads.

Creates .fasta/.fastq output. Requires the genome sequences in a folder specified by GEN_DIR. If a quality model is provided by parameter ERR_FILE, a .fastq file is produced. Otherwise read sequences are given as .fasta.


Path to the file with the error model. With the values '35' or '76', default error models are provided for the corresponding read lengths, otherwise the path to a custom error model file is expected.

UNIQUE_IDSBooleanNOCreate unique read identifiers for paired reads. Information about the relative orientation is left out of the read id and encoded in the pairing information. All /1 reads are sense reads, all /2 reads are anti-sense reads. This option is useful if you want to identify paired reads based on the read ids.
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